Glorious Freedom

Glorious Freedom

“GLORIOUS FREEDOM” is a 6-week online class exploring the freedom that the Father brings us into as His sons. Romans 8:19-21 “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility,...
Online “A” School

Online “A” School

Leaders: Andy & Gunilla Glover, Shannon Smith Join us for an Online “A” School with Fatherheart Ministries, where you will experience the Revelation of the Father’s love. Through Biblical teaching, personal testimonies, and revelatory insight, you’ll be invited...
The Heart of A Son

The Heart of A Son

The Heart of a Son is a weekend conference. We will be teaching on the biblical picture of “Sonship” and how this becomes a reality in our hearts and lives. We will teach how through the Father we come into “Sonship” For Registration please...
The Father’s Love

The Father’s Love

Jesus came to reveal His Father and His love for you and me. My Christian life was turned around and upside down when the Father poured His love into my heart about 20 years ago. It was transforming and completely changed my walk with God. At this weekend conference,...