Come and See 2

Come and See 2

Come and See 2 “Come and See 2” is a 6 week Online Event with Andy Glover, Eddie Piorek and Stephen Hill. Jesus invites us all to “come and see” where He is living, John 1:38-39. In these times when the Father is being rediscovered, fresh insight is being...
Denmark “A” School

Denmark “A” School

Click Image for registration. The ‘A’ School is a one-week revelational adventure into the Love of God. Together we discover that Father is our place to come home; a place to belong, a place of unreserved acceptance, a place of deep rest, where the strength and...
Ghana “A” School

Ghana “A” School

17-21 February 2025  More Info/Register email: john@revivaltothenations.orgTel Number +233244668574 Location: Anglican Retreat Center, Ashale -Botwe,...
The Heart of A Son

The Heart of A Son

The Heart of a Son is a weekend conference. We will be teaching on the biblical picture of “Sonship” and how this becomes a reality in our hearts and lives. We will teach how through the Father we come into “Sonship” For Registration please...
Come and See Conference

Come and See Conference

“Come and See” is a weekend conference hosted by Fatherheart Ministries that will take place in Jersey, UK, April 11-13th, 2025. We will be sharing revelatory teaching from personal experience on our walk with the Father and on how this has brought us into the reality...
Myrtle Beach “A” School

Myrtle Beach “A” School

In a Fatherheart Ministries School/Event you experience the full perspective of the revelation of the Father’s love. Through revelatory insight and sound biblical teaching, told through the lives of those that minister, you will be exposed to a transforming message of...